Flat: After constructions cleaning

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    Flat: After constructions cleaning

    143,00 €


    Our employees have all the necessary cleaning products and equipment

    Happy Cleaning Guarantee

    Easy management online

    Vetted, trusted cleaners

    1 room
    1 bathroom and WC
    Product Icon
    You need a vacuum cleaner on the order
    5,00 €
    Product Icon
    Pick up the keys before cleaning
    5,00 €
    Product Icon
    Deliver the keys after cleaning
    5,00 €
    Product Icon
    I have a stairs and multiple floors
    8,00 €


    Finding a reliable and pro cleaning service that does apartment cleaning after construction and renovation has never been easier, thanks to our team of cleaning experts. We'll make sure to get rid of all the dirt, dust, and even spilled paint from the construction or renovation, leaving your apartment looking squeaky clean!More...

    Cleaning after construction includes:
    - thorough washing of surfaces throughout the property,
    - cleaning the exterior of cabinets and drawers,
    - washing the outside of kitchen appliances and white goods,
    - cleaning of internal windows,
    - vacuuming floors and upholstery,
    - washing the floors.
    Apart from our regular cleaning services, we have added cleaning services that cover fridge/freezer cleaning, steam cleaning for carpets, sofas, and upholstery, and also outdoor cleaning for areas like balconies and terraces.

    View full details

    Flat: After constructions cleaning

    Čo získate s Happy Cleaning?

    • Umývame a odstraňujeme prach zo všetkých povrchov nábytku v interiéri.
    • Utierame prach zo stien a stropov.
    • Zbavíme vás prachu po stavebných prácach.
    • Zo všetkých povrchov odstraňujeme nečistoty ako vápenatý plak, hrdzu, mastnotu, vodný kameň.
    • Silné znečistenia a ťažko dostupné miesta odstraňujeme parným generátorom.
    • Čistíme švy medzi obkladmi. Pri silnom znečistení používame parný generátor.
    • Švy medzi obkladmi čistíme od škárovacej hmoty (výnimkou je dvojzložková škárovacia hmota).
    • Odstraňujeme stopy cementu, lepidla, farby a lepiacej pásky po stavebných prácach.
    • Nábytok v interiéri umývame po premiestnení predmetov z políc.
    • Ak sa nábytok dá presunúť, upratujeme aj za a pod nábytkom (veľký a ťažký nábytok nepresúvame).
    • Umývame nástenné a stropné svietidlá.
    • Utierame otvorené police, fotorámiky, hodiny a iné predmety.
    • Utierame potrubia, radiátory, zásuvky a vypínače.
    • Utierame rímsy budov a klimatizáciu zvonku.
    • Umývame zrkadlá a iné sklenené predmety.
    • Vymieňame posteľnú bielizeň.
    • Vysávame podlahy, koberce a podlahové krytiny.
    • Utierame kožený nábytok profesionálnymi čistiacimi prostriedkami.
    • Vysávame pod podlahovými kobercami.
    • Čalúnený nábytok vysávame zvonku aj zvnútra.
    • Umývame podlahy a soklové lišty.
    • Utierame interiérové dvere a bloky dverí.
    • Vynášame odpadky (nie viac ako 2 vrecia).
    • Dezinfikujeme kôš.
    • Odstraňujeme drobný stavebný odpad (veľký odpad a krabice neodstraňujeme).
    • Umývame vchodové dvere a plochu pod vchodovou rohožkou.
    Upraceme vám celý dom a byt
    • Umývame a dezinfikujeme kuchynské pracovné plochy, linky a drezy.
    • Precízne čistíme sporák a pracovnú plochu okolo neho.
    • Umývame riad (nie viac ako 5 minút) alebo ho vložíme do umývačky riadu.
    • Mikrovlnnú rúru čistíme zvnútra aj zvonka.
    • Fasády kuchyne utierame na celú výšku kuchynskej linky.
    • Kuchynské spotrebiče (rúra, chladnička) umývame vonku aj vo vnútri.
    Upraceme vám celú kuchynu
    • Čistíme a dezinfikujeme vodoinštaláciu.
    • Umývame sprchy, umývadlá a ostatné časti kúpeľne.
    • Odstraňujeme nečistoty a škvrny na stenách kúpeľne.
    Upraceme vám celú kúpeľnu

    Prečo si nás vybrať

    Happiness Guarantee

    Your satisfaction is our top priority. If you are not satisfied with the quality of our service, we will make it right at no extra cost.

    Easy management online

    Book, pay, reschedule, leave notes, and book extra services, even cancel cleaning 100% online

    Vetted, trusted cleaners

    We care about your safety. Our cleaners are officially employed in accordance with the laws of the Slovak Republic.


    What our customers say


    Mária did an awesome job. Her attention to detail is the best I have ever seen in all your professionals. She should be commended.

    — Martina


    My cleaner did an excellent job. Clean fridge and ironed bedsheets. Went above and beyond.

    — Stephan


    This is the third time in which we were able to have Irina in our home.. she is simply AMAZING! Thank you once again!

    — Helen


    Thank you again, Liza. You are amazing and my house looks fabulous.


    How it works

    Hassle-free house cleans

    Schedule your clean

    Pick a date and time for it - every week or whenever suits you.

    Customise your clean

    Add extra services, leave notes and provide instructions directly through our website.

    Book instantly

    Securely pay online, and we'll confirm your appointment and take care of the rest.

    Extra services

    Customise your clean

    Extra services

    Customise your clean

    Missed something?
    Spotted a mold or hard water deposits?
    Piles of unironed items before cleaning day?
    Want to wash windows?

    No worries! You can always add an extra service. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.

    Flat: After constructions cleaning

    Flat: After constructions cleaning

    Happy Cleaning offers personalized regular house cleaning services that are tailored to fit the specific needs of your family. With the flexibility to choose cleaning schedules, our services are designed to improve your quality of life and bring you the satisfaction of entering a sparkling clean house.